Digital Learning

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Chapter 7
In chapter 7 we discussed online safety and security. I believe today's society is wanting to blame the internet for children's behavior. Atleast once a month it seems you hear on the news about someone being bullied or stalked on myspace or facebook. My biggest issue with that is with both of those social networking sites a person can block people from sending them messages or contacting them. They can also block their page from everyone except their friends and they can make their friends only people they know. I am a firm believer that social network bullying can be stopped if the person chooses to stop it. There are so many ways to protect children today from online predators, some parents just need to be made aware of how to do this.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Digital Storytelling Project
I have now completed my digital storytelling project and can tell I over thought the whole process. I had a lot of fun putting it together, although I do hate to hear my recorded voice. I think that this project will be a neat idea for students to use in a classroom for different subjects. I think it will turn a research topic into a creative project.
Friday, October 29, 2010
When I started this class I was against using a lot of technology in the classroom. Since doing some of the assignments in the class I have somewhat changed my mind. I do agree with using technology in the classroom and can now see the benefits. However, I do believe the students should also be taught the 'traditional' way. I had a doctor's appointment the other day and while there the computers went down, I waited for over an hour in the waiting room because, it seemed, no one knew how to function without the computer. While the person was filling out my paperwork they just kept complaining about how they had to write everything by hand. Don't get me wrong, computers do make a job easier but we should also stay familiar of doing things by hand.
I also told myself when I started this class I was going to stay ahead so when I have my baby I am ahead of class instead of behind. Well, that has not happened I am so far behind I am kind of stressing out at this point. I am stuck on our digital storytelling project and can't figure it out, I have no ideas or clues as to how to start it. Hopefully I can spend tomorrow getting caught up on my classes.
I also told myself when I started this class I was going to stay ahead so when I have my baby I am ahead of class instead of behind. Well, that has not happened I am so far behind I am kind of stressing out at this point. I am stuck on our digital storytelling project and can't figure it out, I have no ideas or clues as to how to start it. Hopefully I can spend tomorrow getting caught up on my classes.
Friday, October 15, 2010
I have learned so much about using technology in the classroom. Even things at first I did not agree with at first. I also learned some interesting facts about the amount of people using technology and how young they are. It made me open my eyes and look around at my surroundings and remember calls from customers I received while working at Verizon Wireless. There are children walking around with cell phones, as young as 5, that I know of. Why a five year old needs a cell phone is beyond me, but it shows how young they are starting to use technology. In our textbook it shows children as young as 2 were using the internet. That is hard to believe but I can see how they are learning more about computers. My 2 yr old daughter knows about computers and likes to "play" on my laptop or my desktop. Do I think she knows what shes doing, no. We bought my stepson a computer when he was 7 so he could do research, play games and learn with "technology". I didn't have a computer that young growing up. After watching the video about teaching children with technology and seeing how their faces lit up when getting to use different devices was amazing. I can see how fun that would be for children, especially having the hands on approach. The only problem I see with this now after reading the book and watching the video would be the children that do not have the means to have the technology at home, even though it gives them some access.
On a different note, I enjoyed making the website. I became frustrated at points when I couldn't get certain links to work for me. I tried to make it look interesting and fun. I do believe I am going to add some links for the children to play because I didn't have many of them. While I was doing this I kept pulling up different teachers websites that I know and they did not have nearly the amount of information I have in mine. I think the information we are adding to our websites is going to be very helpful with the parents and keeping them involved.
That is enough for now, more to come after chapter 3.
On a different note, I enjoyed making the website. I became frustrated at points when I couldn't get certain links to work for me. I tried to make it look interesting and fun. I do believe I am going to add some links for the children to play because I didn't have many of them. While I was doing this I kept pulling up different teachers websites that I know and they did not have nearly the amount of information I have in mine. I think the information we are adding to our websites is going to be very helpful with the parents and keeping them involved.
That is enough for now, more to come after chapter 3.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Blogging in the classroom
I would like to teach 1st or 2nd grade. The only thing I think blogging would be good for at this age is learning with technology. I would have students keep a diary of what they learned that day, whats on their mind, what they plan on doing when they get out of school, etc. Today's society is all about technology between texting, email, social networking children are learning at younger ages how to use computers and work with technology. I think that setting up a classroom blog would be a neat idea for parents to keep up with the class, what their kids are doing and so on. I would have a link of each students blog on my main page so it would be easier to look at their child's post. I would like to set up an area that would show parents what the homework is that day and they would be able to comment with any questions they might have.
First Blog
I have always wanted to set up a blog and write about my life. However, I don't think I am creative enough or have that interesting of a life to keep anyone's attention. I am excited to start writing in this blog for class. Who knows, I might decide to eventually set up a personal blog.
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